October 4, 2018
Newsletter for the GRID DATA Repository and BetterGrids Foundation, Inc.

Open Source Software Released
In keeping with our commitment to open source data and software, BetterGrids has now released the first version of the Repository code into public domain. Over the next few months, we also plan to provide examples and guidance for ongoing community development and testing of the REST interface, the Model Format Importers, and the Semantic Search Engine. Please contact us at BetterGrids.org if you are interested in contributing to open source software development, testing and curation.
Industry Activities
August was a busy month with several industry seminars and outreach events.
Terry Nielsen of GridBright presented the BetterGrids Repository at the IEEE PES General Meeting in Portland on two panel sessions related to Big Data Science, with a focus on data quality and semantic search of very large grid models. He also presented at a National Science Foundation workshop on Analytics for a Resilient Grid.
Ali Vojdani and Travis Rouillard of GridBright manned an information booth at the MISO Market Symposium where innovators, thinkers, and industry visionaries discussed how grid research in new technologies can increase the ability for energy markets to transform the industry. We want to extend a special thanks to ARPA-E and MISO for inviting us to exhibit among a small set of invited technology vendors.
Research & Development
As part of our work with UC Berkeley on a DOE ENERGISE project, we have been working with NREL to validate and enhance their new DITTO model format conversation tool. Specifically, we are using it to convert GridLab-D models into Opal-RT format solar penetration test cases. Next step is to explore ways to make this tool more accessible to the BetterGrids community.
Technical Committee
In late September, we held another Technical Committee Meeting to present the BetterGrids Board annual performance objectives and discuss ideas for achieving the longer term strategic objectives. This includes approaches for expanding the model library, growing users, and building new value added services that will help BetterGrids achieve financial self-sufficiency when the ARPA-E GRID DATA project ends. Meeting notes will be posted at BetterGrids.org.
Quarterly Repository Metrics
The Repository and user community continue to grow. Highlights of recent model contributions include:
- NREL: Large-scale Synthetic Distribution and sub-transmission dataset based on building and street maps for Santa Fe, NM
- U of Wisconsin, EPIGRIDS: “The Wisconsin 1664 Bus system
- Michigan Tech: Occupancy and Consumption Correlation Analysis Data
Stay Current
Stay up to date on the Repository progress and BetterGrids by following us at LinkedIn, Twitter, or our mailing list.