September 24, 2019
Newsletter for the GRID DATA Repository and BetterGrids Foundation, Inc.
Completion of the ARPA-E Project
In May 2019, GridBright formally completed the three-year research project funded by DOE ARPA-E to develop the BetterGrids Repository. Final closeout reports were delivered to DOE and the repository software to public under an open source license. In line with our original business plan, the Repository is now being evolved as a community resource by volunteers under the direction of the BetterGrids Board of Directors.
Industry Activities
In July 2019, Stephen Callahan and Travis Rouillard of GridBright exhibited the BetterGrids Repository at the ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit in Denver, Colorado.
In August 2019, Terry Nielsen, BetterGrids Technical Committee Chair presented the technical paper “A Semantic Search Capability for a Collection of Power Systems Models” at the Best Papers session of the IEEE General Meeting in Baltimore.
Research and Development
GridBright has officially started a new project funded by ARPA-E to develop a Secure Grid Data Exchange (SGDX) solution for the industry. Where as the BetterGrids Repository enables the grid researchers to share non-sensitive grid data, SGDX will enable the grid ecosystem to share sensitive grid data. SGDX Solutions Requirements were delivered to ARPA-E in August 2019 based on interviews with 30+ organizations representing utilities, ISOs, vendors, research organizations, and regulators.
New Additions to the Repository: Open Source Grid Analytics Code
We have expanded the Repository to allow grid researchers to publicly share the analytics software they develop as part of their research projects, along with sample test data. Visit to see example software contributed by the researchers working on a DOE funded project led by the University of California at Riverside.
Users Survey
As part of the 2019 strategic goals set by the BetterGrids Board of Directors, we will be conducting a survey of the Repository users to identify desired improvements. Survey questions were reviewed by the BetterGrids Technical Committee in August and will be distributed to the registered users of the Repository through Survey Monkey in Q4, 2019.
Stay Current
Stay up to date on the Repository progress and BetterGrids by following us at LinkedIn, Twitter, or our mailing list.