January 18th, 2018

BetterGrids launches fundraising to support Grid Resiliency Education and Research

Download Fundraising Flyer


We need your support!

BetterGrids, an organization with no employees, operates entirely
through efforts and contributions from individuals and organizations.
Over 70 organizations, including ARPA-E, have contributed to the creation
of our Grid Data Repository, which provides free access to 200 grid
models to researchers world-wide. We need donations to:

Make grants to students to perform grid resiliency research:
Donor could act as sponsor, further specifying and guiding the research.

Provide internships for students:
As data curators or admin/outreach support.

Why Donate

Support a worthy cause:

  • Grid Data Repository
  • Resiliency R&D
  • Student education & training

Leverage your R&D funds:

  • Ability to sponsor specific resiliency research topic for students
  • Ability to guide their research and benefit from the interim results

Engage & network with community:

  • Donors can choose to join the BetterGrids Grant Committee,
    and participate in various outreach activities

Gain publicity:

  • Acknowledgement on BetterGrids website,
    newsletters, and other publications
  • Donor’s name can be attached to the specific grant it sponsors

Donations are tax deductible.

Or contact us at info@bettergrids.org to donate or volunteer.