July 11, 2017
BetterGrids published its Second Quarter 2017 Newsletter with an update on research & development.
Now Live!
Phase 1 of the Repository completed user acceptance testing, and was put into production ahead of schedule on May 22, 2017.
The Repository is now open to the public to browse, post, or download models. The BetterGrids team has seeded the Repository with over 40 models curated from the public domain. We expect the other GRID DATA projects to start submitting their materials in the coming months.
Industry Activities
On July 17, BetterGrids is sponsoring the IEEE PES General Meeting Poster Session Reception in Chicago from 5-8 p.m.
IEEE PES will notify all the conference attendees of the availability of the Repository through the conference mobile application, and will display the BetterGrids’ logo as a conference sponsor. BetterGrids representatives will be at the Poster Session to further spread the word and answer attendees’ questions.
BetterGrids will also be presenting a live demonstration of the Grid Data Repository at the Department of Electrical Engineering of Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), on Tuesday July 18, 4:30-5:30 p.m., that is right after the IEEE-sponsored Tour of the IIT Galvin Center and Microgrid. All IEEE PES conference attendees are welcome to attend. This demonstration will also be communicated to all the conference attendees via the IEEE mobile application.
Research & Development
We made significant progress in developing a methodology for storing and searching grid models using JSON and graph databases. The approach converts various grid model formats into standard vertex-edge JSON documents that support a variety of network traversal queries.
To our knowledge this is the first demonstration capability that allows complex queries across power system model formats.
Regulatory Activities
In June, Dr. Dariush Shirmohammadi of GridBright made a presentation on the GRID DATA Repository at the FERC technical conference “Increasing Market and Planning Efficiency through Improved Software”, in Washington DC.
Quarterly Repository Metrics
As of the end of June, we had 44 distinct grid models with over 100mb of data. While we currently have only 20 registered user accounts, we have seen visitors from all over the world who have collectively downloaded files more than 1000 times.
We look forward to seeing these numbers grow as the other GRID DATA projects start depositing materials in the coming months.