Recorded on Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Demystifying the Common Information Model

The Common Information Model (CIM) can serve as a key enabler of power system model exchange, data integration from multiple sources, and creation of data-rich application environments by providing an ontology and data exchange mechanism that is supported by an increasingly large community of vendors and utilities. The CIM is introduced in the context of creating standards-based platforms to reduce the time, cost, and difficulty of integrating advanced grid functionalities to create a more reliable and resilient grid. Key concepts related to adoption of the CIM (including selection of a CIM profile, creation of a data profile, and selection of a database schema) are outlined.

About GridBright, Inc. | GridBright is the grid management specialists of the utility industry.  GridBright helps the electric industry improve grid operations through smarter solutions for managing resiliency, distributed resources, and renewables.  GridBright was awarded the contract by ARPA-E to develop and ensure long term operations of the Grid Data Repository.  To learn more, visit

About the DOE ARPA-E GRID DATA Initiative | The GRID DATA program funds the development of large-scale, realistic, validated, and open-access power system network models. These models will have the detail required to allow the successful development and testing of transformational power system optimization and control algorithms. To learn more, visit

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