The BetterGrids Foundation hosted a webinar on September 7, 2023!

GET(S) more! Accelerating the Energy Transition by expanding the capacity of existing Transmission

An atomic—perhaps even quantum—truth of the energy transition is we need MORE. More clean energy, more transmission, more electric … just more. But more should not be confused with new. Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETS) have the potential to get more out of currently operating transmission infrastructure by one study enabling up to a 2x expansion in renewable integration.

FERC 881 is going to accelerate GETS adoption.  This WEBINAR will convene a panel of industry leaders in the GETS space focusing on the technology of Dynamic Line Ratings, spanning research, technology innovators, and utilities. Panelists will provide an overview of the technology and its potential, introduce innovative approaches to implementation, and discuss how a major utility is planning for DLR and 881 compliance.


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