December 16, 2021

Renewables, Dispatch and Cloud in the same sentence might strike you as an oxymoron. The BetterGrids Foundation is sponsoring a Webinar highlighting recently completed GridBright R&D by the team of industry leaders who made it happen. We invite you to join this must-see discussion.

View it On-Demand Here!

The presentation slides can be found here: SRI Webinar #1_Renewable Dispatch in the Cloud

About GridBright, Inc. | GridBright is the grid management specialists of the utility industry.  GridBright helps the electric industry improve grid operations through smarter solutions for managing resiliency, distributed resources, and renewables.  GridBright was awarded the contract by ARPA-E to develop and ensure long term operations of the Grid Data Repository.  To learn more, visit

About the DOE ARPA-E GRID DATA Initiative | The GRID DATA program funds the development of large-scale, realistic, validated, and open-access power system network models. These models will have the detail required to allow the successful development and testing of transformational power system optimization and control algorithms. To learn more, visit